July 4, 2008

  • Birthdays, Boys, and Babies...

    in no particular order I suppose...HAHAHA

    Anywho...my birthday was last week...I swear it was the best one I've ever had...went out with Alicia and the crew...and was very loud and very touchy...but hey...I warned everyone it would happen!!   in all honesty it was really the best birthday I've had in a long time...so THANKS!!! (again, I know...but you can never say it enough!)

    Boys...well...there's lot of them I suppose...none in particular that I really feel like writing about...more on the broad spectrum of I've really missed spending time with them lately...you know me...I'm a girl...but I'm SOOO one of the guys...so it's nice to have an outlet for that part of my personality. Yes.  That's what I was trying to say. (this would be my brain's cue to take my body to bed now...)

    Babies...I'm SURROUND by either pregnant people or newborns!!! It's an epidemic!! LOL I love it!  It's a whole new cycle of life...new people to get to meet and watch grow up.  It's such an exciting time!! (And before anyone even thinks about it...NO I'm not even contemplating having one of my own at this moment...I just got to the "Hmmm...the idea of sharing my life with someone isn't deathly terrifying" stage...we can wait till the baby stage kicks in, mmmkay? )

    Life in general is awesome and amazing.  I'm really happy.  Work is insane, but I'm loving every minute of it (who knew you could love irrate customers and people who have NO CLUE what they really need to do to their kitchens and proceed to bombard you with an hours worth of questions just to leave without doing anything at the end!!) Honest...I love it!

    Well...my bumper is in need of some quality ZZZZZZZ so I'm going to throw my window open, turn on my fan, and hit the sack...*sigh*

    Life...is beautiful.


    Later Gators!


June 2, 2008

  • My last week...

    or I guess another appropriate title would be "A Jenise's World Turns"...lol

    Things have been CRAZY!  I'm working 40 hours a week, at any and every odd hour...my weekends are bascially spent in the Kitchen department.  I do have time for a social life...but only one that can happen after 10pm!! (Which is totally fine with the night owl that is me! Although, I would love a chance to see some people I haven't seen in awhile.)  But because I'm out at different times, I'm getting to meet a whole different bunch of people. 

    There was a firefighters convention in town last week...well, they all went home Thursday.  So my friend manages the Lounge at the Maple Ridge Best Western (Whooo...shameless plug I know!) and anywho...most of them were staying there...so we got to spend some time with some really HILLARIOUS guys...I swear, I learned more about firemen than I EVER wanted/needed to know!  I was perfectly content in my little bubble...yeah...totally burst that!   It was a lot of fun...we even did karaoke with them...well...after one of them managed to make me run into my car door...long story that ends with me really bruised and flat on my back on the cement.  Good times!

    I miss the old routine a bit though...having a set schedule every week...knowing exactly when I could schedule things...life is kind of, week to week right now...the typical "fly by the seat of my pants" stuff.  Things should calm down more once I get through my 90 days and all my training is done...hopefully then I'll know more of when to expect to not be available during the day.  I miss my youth...my friends...playing cards...and I miss having two days off in a row!! hehehe but...welcome to the world of retail!!  As much as I miss the old life, I really love where I'm at...the job is awesome, I'm learning SO much...doing some different things...getting to add bits of me that I had to let go with my former schedule.  I feel so much more well-rounded...crazy...exhausted, but well-rounded!

    Anywho...I'm going to hit the sack...working tomorrow, and I want to be at my best!  Second night in a row I decided to stay home! Ack! What is the world coming to!?!? (HAHAHA...not that it matters, as I start at noon tomorrow, so going out would not leave me with no sleep...but I wanted some "me" time)

    Love ya!

    Later Gators!


May 21, 2008


    Like so many others, I too, made the mistake of believing that silly games and childish mentalities were left behind at graduation...like...take off the cap and gown and *POOF* there you were.  Man have I ever learned that that is so not the case.  And yes, before anyone even has to ask...this all started with a boy. (BAH)

    I just find it so interesting how people are when they reveal some sort of "news" that you are supposed to react to.  It's like, you can see them winding up to drop this HUGE BIG THING on you (that of course, you do see coming because you're not stupid but you let them think you don't have a CLUE what's going on) and then BAM!  They drop it...and they look at you like you're supposed to...to...to do what exactly!?!  Um...Hi...I'm not stupid (we covered that already in the sentence above) you're wanting me to be crushed...upset...jealous...mean...and what do I give you?  *snicker* NOTHING...NADA...ZIP...all you get is a "Oh...that's great...ya'll will have a great time!!" in a very sincere manner.  NEWS FLASH  if you want someone to throw things over your own stupidity...TRY HARDER! Stupid boy. *rolls eyes*

    I'll admit...I can play games with the best of them...but I only ever do so if I know I am being played.  Talk smack, I'll dish it right back...growing up with boys has taught me many surrvival methods. It's funny...to watch someone think they have you pegged...realize they had it ALL wrong.  Entertaining, really.

    Don't try and make me jealous...cause you'll either get it right back at you or I'll just walk away.  Don't try and make me mad either...that's far worse than anything else you could do...because I get mad when I get hurt...and hurt is not pretty.  The thing is?  I know what's going on...I know what's not being said.  And if other people are too blind to see it for themselves...then they deserve to miss out on something great.

    Later Gators!

    Love ya!


May 15, 2008

  • Back again...

    and so much sooner than normal! HA!

    Tomorrow is my first full shift at work...I'm nervous, excited...just a whole bunch of different emotions all rolled into one...should be interesting!!  New skills, challenges, and all that goes with it.  I've been on 24-hour notice the last few days, so it's been interesting to schedule my life around the potential phone call...but not anymore!

    Have been spending a fair bit of time at Karaoke lately...hanging with some new friends...and some old ones who I lost touch with.  It's nice to reconnect.  I've really been enjoying myself...things just seem to be easier...easy to breathe, to relax...just easy.  My finances aren't even bugging me right now! Who knew that was possible!?!?!

    As nervous as I am for all this to really get going, I'm so glad that I took a step in this direction...all things are possible right?  And I plan to go get them with great gusto!

    Well...I'm going to run...go catch up on a few things still outstanding after throwing my pj's on...mmmm...sweatpants!   La dolce vita!

    Later Gators!

    Love ya!


May 12, 2008

  • So much to say...

    and yet, the words seem to not be there.  New Job, new outlook, new...everything feels new...and yet, at the same time, it feels oh so very OLD.  I dunno...I'm just on this mountain, knowing full well what's waiting for me on the next one, but having not a single clue how I am to get down and get there.  *sigh*  Lord, teach me to fly...cuz right now, that is my only option.  Trust...and Faith.  *sigh* When did it get so hard!?!  (Ok...it's always been hard...life isn't a piece of cake...but every moment is worth it)

    I know, all my rambling is well...rambling.   I feel almost like life has this very "pregnant" feeling to it. (And don't even think about it...not a chance) Like something has just been growing, changing, moving, building for some time now...and it feels SO CLOSE to being here...like I can almost touch it...and yet, at the same time, it feels like it's never going to be here. 

    I'm expecting great and wonderful things...because they have been promised to me...and I am willing to wait.  I guess more than anything lately it's that I can feel this pressure, this potential of sorts, getting stronger and stronger and it's got me ready to just...BURST!

    Well...I'm going to hit the hay...time for rest.  *sigh*

    Later Gators!

    Love ya!


April 17, 2008

  • Walking, Venting, and Interviewing.

    So this is a three-part blog. 

    First off...I've started walking everyday on my break!  About 3km/day is my average right now.  I go straight from work to Como Lake, walk till I hit my "goal", go home, have some oatmeal, and get on with my day.  I find I have so much more energy now...I just want to do things more, get off my couch...well, until about 10:45 or so at night, which is when I crash. (I cheated a bit and had a piece of cake at Monica's so I'm a bit "up" right now!)  It's so peaceful to just be able to walk...by myself...and just chill.  Sometimes I talk...to myself...today I had a great conversation with God...basically acted like He was right there, walking beside me (I know He really is!) which was so totally cool!  Really just gave me this whole sense of peace about the comming decisions I have to make...which is REALLY great.  I find myself looking forward to these times of reflection now everyday to the point where I can hardly wait for the first part of my shift to be over so I can get on with my "me time".

    Alright...on to the vent portion of today:  Self-Absorbed People...or I guess I should really say places!?!  I have come to the realization that self-absorbed people will remain that way until they choose to change...and I refuse to let them bother me. They can go on living their lives...worrying about every little "perfect" thing...and I am content to go on with the large, imperfect painting that is ahead of me...my life does not have to be any way but the way God intended it to be. And so on and so forth...blah blah blah.

    LOL...actually...it's mostly about the way I find this city...Vancouver I mean. To me, it just feels stuck-up, snobby...like it thinks it's better than everyone else. (Last time I checked, isn't this the same reason people out here diss on Toronto?)

    Anywho...on to some interesting...yet totally amazing, news.  I have an interview tomorrow.  I won't get into details, but it's a North American company...that has offices in four main locations:  Calgary, Alberta; North US; Northeast US; and....HOUSTON!  Go figure, hey!?!  I'm going into the recruiting office they have in Vancouver tomorrow at 1:30pm to pass first round interviews...and I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY EXCITED! (Did I mention Really Really Really!?!)    The oportunities they have open right now directly HERE in BC aren't any that I am qualified for (ok...one's an internship...so not where I fit in) so, after looking at their website, I find they have an Admin position in Houston that I fit almost perfectly!  So, I'm praying really hard for some major blessings to just fall on the situation...I feel calm, collected...ready to face this opportunity head on...and nail it!  Wish me love people!!

    Anywho...I can feel my body starting to want to crash, so I'm going to get my behind in bed before I fall asleep at the computer desk...ooo...that would not be a pretty sight in the morning!

    I'll keep you all posted!

    Later Gators!

    Love you!


April 11, 2008

  • Wow...to my "cyber sisters"

    So I've just spent some time going over the old blogs of some of "my girls"...and it makes me sit back in wonder and awe of the places we've been, the things we've accomplished, and everything we've all "come through" in the past few years.  There are comments and inside jokes that STILL make me laugh so hard I could pee myself (I know, TMI) posts that still move me to tears...and yet all in all...it reminds me of just how blessed I have been...to have these women in my life, in whatever shape or form it has been...both then and now...God has truly provided for me with support...even in times when I wanted nothing to do with it.  How amazing is that!?!

    You know...this weekend, with the race being at PIR, really struck me.  3 years ago I was there...meeting H, Ali, T, and Rie...my parents both at home ready to call anyone because they (read: MOM) swore up and down I wasn't going to come home. Since then, SO much has happened...peaks, valleys...growing up...freaking out...that even though I will never be that exact same person, it's nice to feel like I've found the part of her that makes me happy.

    I don't know if I've ever told you guys how much you all mean to me...each and every one of you girls has made an imprint in my life...and taught me many a lesson along the way. 

    Ecclesiastes 4

    9 Two are better than one,
           because they have a good return for their work:

     10 If one falls down,
           his friend can help him up.
           But pity the man who falls
           and has no one to help him up!

     11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
           But how can one keep warm alone?

     12 Though one may be overpowered,
           two can defend themselves.
           A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

    This section of scripture really means a lot to me...because it speaks to the importance of friendships...good friendships.  You all can kick my bumper when it needs it...and even though I may not respond "well" (ok...horribly usually ) I know it comes from a place of love and friendship.  It means the world to me.

    Thank you for not giving up...for understanding...for accepting...and forgiving...

    Mainly...thanks for being you!!

    Love forever and a day!


  • To everything turn, turn, turn...

    I really feel that line right now...I know change is a part of life, but it just seems that EVERYTHING in my life has decided to upend itself at the same time...people, places, things...even me.  Go figure.  I can never seem to do anything on a "small scale"...but oh well! Such is my life!

    I've found myself starting to pull away from the people I spend my time with up here...nothing really about them or anything like that...I think it's just my subconcious doing it...telling me that if I'm really going to be moving back to Houston like I'm planning...and in the next two months...that I'm going to have to get used to being without them.  And vice versa.  Things are going to be so different up here anyways...what with the new baby coming into our circle.  I'm so excited for my best friend and her family...they're going to be great parents...but life as we all know it, will no longer be a possibility.  And that comes with growing up.  I guess I'm just preparing myself now.  LOL   Bah..I don't know really.

    Oh yeah...Houston.  So I decided that depending on what happens, I'm going to take some time off and spend a bunch of it down there...so that I can find a job...it just seems to me that only being there for 2 days really limited my search.  So, if I can swing it, I'm looking at anywhere from 2 weeks to a month.  I figure that will give me an idea of what to really expect from the market there.  And if I can't find something by the end of that time, then I will come back here and keep going.  But I owe it to myself to find out if I can make it work there.  I have to be honest and admit that I'm not happy here anymore.  I came back because I had to tie up some loose ends that I left just sitting here when I took off and essentially ran away.  Now, they are all tied off and dealt with.  And I...well I am left standing here knowing I don't belong in this place...and it bugs me.  Why?  Because I can't explain it to anyone who asks...and if I try it turns into this big, long issue where I end up defending myself and the things that I care about...and I shouldn't have to(and won't) do that.  I love my friends and family...don't get me wrong...and I'll miss them very much when I leave...but if I stay for them, I will end up resenting them, and myself in the end...and then where would I be?! 

    *sigh*  Well...here's hoping my plan will work...that things will fall into place.  The more I pray about everything, the more I really feel I'm to leave.  If that wasn't there...then I'd have no problem putting that aside and staying here.  So Lord...I leave it in your hands...where it belongs.  Help me make the decision that is best for me...Amen.

    Later Gators!

    Love you!


March 21, 2008

  • Sitting here...

    ...in Houston...well, Baytown actually...playing around on Melissa's laptop...and really wishing that this weekend would just stop and never end.  I love being down here...the life, the people...I just feel like I belong.  Kinda funny, hey?

    Waiting to hear how things are...hopefully they are good.  Applied to a few more places today...so keeping my fingers crossed that they work out.  As much as I know staying home would financially be a better choice (and I'm still open to that if opportunity presents itself) I do know that staying there for an unknown amount of time would not do me any good in the long run.  I don't belong there for the rest of my life. 

    So I'm praying long and hard that God just opens up the Heavens and shows me the path He wants me to take...and that the right opportunity will present itself, be it at home, or here, and things will begin moving in the right direction.

    We shall see right?  'Faith is being sure of what we hope for.' Hebrews 11:1

    Later Gators!

    Love ya!


March 18, 2008

  • Easter, Spring Break, and other stuff

    *sigh*  It's Tuesday...and it's Spring Break...and Easter...and...and..and.  It just seems to never stop in my wonderful little life...and there are times when I most certainly welcome that...and then...there are times like now where all I want to do is just relax...kick back, hang out...do NOTHING!!  But, that is never an option in my world...nor do I think I'd really want it to be for longer than like, an hour...because I would go nuts with nothing to do for a long period of time. 

    That was an interesting little rant there hey? LOL  Kinda funny the way my brain works sometimes...it baffles me how some things just come spilling out of my thoughts and into my life...scares others.

    Today was ok...just another day for once...and I'm glad that it's become that...no massive events...no great big tears...there was a brief thought of "Hmmm...today would have been Mom's 51st birthday" and that was it.  Life has begun to go on...not exactly sure when it started to do that, but it did...and I'm really glad that it has.  You know, I've been asked if I miss her...do I ever cry still and all the questions that go along with it.  All I really have to say is...of course I miss her...she was my mother...but I have a life without her...and she would have wanted me to quit my worrying, my bellyaching and just get on with it.  So I did.  Do I cry?  Oh sure...when things remind me of her or when I have a problem that I REALLY would like to talk to her about, I get a little choked up...but that's it.  There's no reason to do that anymore...I've moved on...life DID get easier (ok, well it actually got harder but you get what I mean) the pain DID go away...and here I am..on the other side...and greatful for it.

    Why all this?  Just had to vent a bit about some things that get said to me on a regular basis...and especially today.  I never used to like today...now....it's just a day...and it's another day that I get to keep living...breathing...and fulfilling my purpose.  Far be it for me to despise a day that I'm blessed with!!

    So what's new?  Well...I'm on my way to Houston Thursday morning for an interview with a recruiter...going to stay until Monday to have a bit of a Vacation with friends and family for Easter...which I sorely need.  It'll be nice to get away for a bit...well...after I've gotten the job stuff out of the way!! That's on Friday..fingers crossed!!

    Well...not much else really going on I suppose for me to write about...just keeping busy with church, work, job hunting and friends...but that's the way I like it!!

    Later Gators!

    Love ya!
